How to Stay Motivated During GRE Preparation

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Last Updated on April 28, 2023

Your GRE score will almost certainly affect your graduate school candidacy and career path. A higher GRE score will make you more competitive for a top-tier graduate program. Furthermore, a higher score will affect your job prospects for internships or full-time work after graduation. While this should be enough motivation to get you to your score goal, it’s still easy to lose focus and motivation on the long road of preparing for the GRE.

GRE Motivation

This article will answer a question I hear often from GRE students, “How can I stay motivated for the GRE?,” by providing insights and tips about maintaining a high level of motivation during GRE preparation. 

Let’s start by talking about how important it is to like what you’re doing.

Take Pleasure in What You’re Doing

Whether we’re talking about work, college, or studying for the GRE, one of the best ways to stay motivated is to enjoy what you’re doing. Attaining your goals becomes quite difficult if you don’t relish what you’re doing while working to reach them. To put it bluntly, if you enjoy your studying, you’ll be much more driven to study hard, which will give you a far better chance of attaining your target GRE score.

If you’re having trouble finding that enjoyment, seek to find ways to make your GRE prep enjoyable. For instance, you can make a game of seeing how high you can drive your accuracy when answering practice questions. Or you can have fun beating the traps the question writers put into the verbal questions. Also, you can seek to take interest in the Reading Comprehension passages.

Overall, by taking the attitude that you’re going to do your best to enjoy your GRE preparation and by looking for ways to make it fun, you’ll enjoy it at least somewhat and thus help it go well.


Enjoying what you’re doing is one of the most effective strategies for reaching your goals.

Also, keep in mind that not only will a high GRE score help you get into a top graduate program, but also the skills you learn will aid you in graduate school and in everyday life.

Let’s take a closer look at this idea.

Recognize the Value of GRE Knowledge

The GRE skills you develop can play a significant role in your life. For example, you can become a better writer, a more confident decision-maker, and a more decisive thinker from your GRE knowledge. 

Practicing Critical Reasoning questions will make you well-versed in logic and decision-making. With these skills honed, you can become “the smartest person in the room.”

The vocabulary words that you grudgingly memorize for GRE Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence questions will provide you with a rich source of words that will allow you to be a better communicator. As a result, you’ll write better, and you’ll converse better. People’s vocabulary use is an indication of their versatility, of their communication ability, and of their intelligence. 

And what about Reading Comprehension? You’re going to have to read for the rest of your life.  The ability to read complex material will hold you in good stead in your graduate studies. In fact, it’s considered a  predictor of your success in both grad school and in virtually any career you pursue.

Getting proficient in GRE quant provides numerous advantages. Quant mastery increases your data-driven decision-making abilities, which are essential in both your professional and everyday life. A universe of opportunities can open up for you when your math and quantitative reasoning skills are sound. 

So, instead of looking at GRE prep as a chore, stay positive! Look at your prep as an opportunity to better your skills and yourself. You can harness the opportunity to improve your GRE quant and GRE verbal skills, and thus improve many aspects of your life.

A universe of opportunities can open up for you when your math skills and quantitative reasoning skills are sound.

Make an Investment in Yourself

We often associate investments with equities, real estate, or enterprises. However, investing in yourself is one of the best investments you can make.

You are investing in yourself when you study for the GRE. You’re investing in your abilities, knowledge, and skills. Above all, the time and effort you put in are an investment in your future. Unfortunately, most people in the world will never have the chance to do what you are doing. Don’t let that chance pass you by.

Don’t Pay Attention to Skeptics

While studying for the GRE, you may come across friends or colleagues who are dissatisfied with the GRE preparation process. You’ll see that they’re frustrated and have a negative attitude about studying for the GRE. Many of them may complain, “What does my score on this test have to do with my ability to succeed in graduate school?”

You’ll see that these individuals have most likely struggled with GRE preparation. They spend far too much time being angry at the GRE and far too little time actually studying for it. Don’t get pulled into this negativity. Rather, take the opposite approach and use your desire to succeed as your competitive advantage. If your competitors aren’t driven to study and you are, you’ll have a better chance of succeeding on the GRE and getting into your grad program of choice.


Don’t let “negative Nancys” deter you from studying for the GRE.

Now that we’ve covered some of the psychological factors involved in staying motivated, let’s talk about some practical ways to enhance your motivation.

Practical Methods of Increasing Motivation

You can use the following basic tactics to help you stay motivated during your GRE preparation.

1) Make Use of Appropriate Study Materials

Over the years, we have interacted with hundreds of students who have come to Target Test Prep practically ready to give up on the GRE. These students were often ready to quit because they started their GRE studying without any real plan in place. Then, after months of spinning their wheels, they were ready to give up on the GRE altogether.

So, when you start studying for the GRE, make sure you have study resources that will provide a detailed road map of where you are and where you want to go. For example, the TTP study plan is broken up into specific missions. Each mission has precise instructions on what needs to be done and in what order. Our students don’t have to think about what they need to study next, because they have that study plan. All they have to do is follow it. By having the comfort of a plan of action, it’s much easier to maintain a high level of motivation and keep on the path to your target GRE score.


When studying for the GRE, sticking to a clear and systematic study schedule can help you stay focused and motivated.

2) Participate in a Study Group or Post on GRE Forums

It can be lonely studying for the GRE. If you’re lucky, you may have a coworker, friend, or relative studying for it, but usually that is not the case.

Feelings of loneliness and isolation can result in a lack of motivation. So, to stay motivated, talk to other GRE students regularly. If you reside in a large city, you could join a GRE meetup in which you attend weekly or monthly sessions with fellow GRE test-takers. You can become an active member on online GRE forums such as GRE Prep Club or the GRE subreddit, or even join an online GRE group on Whatsapp or Discord. You are more likely to stay motivated and focused if you surround yourself with other like-minded GRE test-takers.


GRE students who engage with other test-takers in person or online tend to motivate others and stay motivated themselves.

3) Make a Study Schedule and Reward Yourself If You Stick to It

I recommend studying for the GRE for at least two hours each weekday and four hours each weekend day. If you stick to that study schedule, it will amount to 18+ hours per week of GRE studying. However, fitting in this many study hours per week can be challenging. Thus, you need to be disciplined (more on that later) and create a study schedule for yourself.

You also should be sure to reward yourself for consistent studying. Allow yourself a cheat day now and then, when you do something fun and relaxing instead of studying. For example, go to the movies, treat yourself to a spa day, or spend time with your friends. Do anything to give your mind a break from GRE studying.


Reward yourself with a “cheat day” now and then in your study schedule. Relax and revitalize by doing something unrelated to GRE studying.

4) Keep the GRE in the Forefront of Your Mind

Have you heard the expression “out of sight, out of mind”? To maintain a high level of GRE motivation, avoid taking too many days off from your studies. Of course, it’s OK to take a day off now and then, but don’t let one day turn into two, two turn into three, and so on.

The fact is, you must learn to prioritize GRE prep among all the other things you have going on in your life. I’m sure you’ll be constantly presented with more “fun” ways to spend your time, but you will need to learn to say no to those opportunities. For example:

  1. Thursday happy hour: Thank you, but no thank you. I need to prepare for the GRE.
  2. Brunch on Sunday: Sounds wonderful, but I need to study for my GRE.
  3. A weekend road trip: Sorry, I need to prepare for the GRE.
  4. Netflix binge-watching: No way! I need to prepare for my GRE.

Remember that the fewer non-essential and non-GRE-related activities you do, the more time you’ll have to prepare for the GRE and the less likely you’ll be to lose your motivation. Then, after you ace the GRE, you’ll have plenty of time for all the fun activities you missed out on.


Don’t be afraid to say, “No.”

Let’s talk next about how anxiety can affect your GRE motivation.

Anxiety Can Cause Low Motivation

Anxiety is a big barrier to success for GRE students. If you’ve ever experienced anxiety, you know how crippling it can be. If you experience anxiety while studying for the GRE, it will affect your motivation to study. 

So, let’s look at two of the most common causes of GRE anxiety and how to deal with them.

1) You Haven’t Given Yourself Enough Time to Prepare

Too often, I hear from students who need to improve their GRE scores by 30 points in four weeks. Trying to make that kind of improvement in such a limited amount of time is difficult, if not impossible. Yet, despite the obvious hurdles, students will still try to make it happen, becoming so anxious that they are ultimately unable to make any real progress in their GRE prep.

If you find yourself in this circumstance, the solution is straightforward: reschedule your GRE. While you may be taking the GRE to meet an application deadline, that deadline will be irrelevant if you do not achieve your target GRE score. Giving yourself more time to prepare reduces any anxiety that may otherwise derail your motivation and allows you to actually reach your goal.


If you can’t get the score boost you need in the period you’ve set aside, reschedule your GRE.

2) You Expect Overnight Success

One myth about the GRE is that GRE students simply study for a few weeks and get a score of 330+ on test day. Face it: most GRE students are unable to achieve the “overnight success” that we all crave.

If you’ve already established your baseline score, don’t expect to improve it by 30 points in two weeks. You are setting yourself up for failure by believing that such a score improvement is possible. Furthermore, you likely will lose your motivation when a big score improvement doesn’t happen as quickly as you expected. So, rather than rush through the process, approach your GRE preparation systematically and gradually. In the end, you’ll be glad you spent the time to do things correctly.


Most GRE students don’t achieve “overnight success,” so don’t set yourself up for disappointment by having unreasonable expectations.

Now, let’s go over a few more crucial aspects of staying motivated while studying for the GRE.

Avoid Burnout!

We’ve already talked about how important it is to make GRE preparation a high priority in your life and to stick to a study schedule. However,  we must also keep in mind that burnout is a real thing. Every GRE student wants to finish the prep process as quickly as possible, but studying for eight hours a day, seven days a week, is not the answer. Keep in mind that the human brain is a costly organ to maintain. There is a reason why preparing for the GRE for three hours drains you more than binge-watching Netflix for five hours.

If you were studying for the GRE in a vacuum, I’m sure you’d be fine studying for eight hours a day. However, you do not live in a vacuum. You are studying for the GRE in addition to other mentally draining things happening in your life, such as work or school. Thus, to avoid burning yourself out, study in one- to two-hour sessions rather than four-hour marathons. If you plan to study for an extended period, do so on the weekend, when your brain is fresh and well-equipped to handle a longer study session.


Schedule extended study sessions on weekends, when your life is less chaotic and your mind is fresh.

Discipline Takes Precedence Over Motivation

I realize that we are all human, and as humans, we have occasional “off days.” However, on those days, as long as we remain disciplined (regardless of our motivation), we can ensure that we do not skip our GRE studying. In other words, discipline must take precedence over motivation.

So, next time you’re having a bad day and you try to convince yourself that taking one day off from studying won’t matter, think again — it matters! If you’re having trouble staying motivated, force yourself to study, even if it’s the last thing you’d like to do. Believe me when I say that your future self will thank you for being so disciplined.


If your motivation is waning, rely on your self-discipline to keep you moving forward in your prep.

Visualize Achievement and Crush the GRE

Another effective strategy for staying motivated is to imagine yourself taking the GRE on test day with 100-percent confidence. You know you did all that you could to prepare, and you are ready to dominate the exam. 

Once you achieve your dream score, you’ll appreciate the months of preparation you put in and the weekends you spent studying while your buddies were out having fun. Because of your motivation and discipline, you know that your entire life will be irrevocably changed for the better. You will receive a well-deserved reward for your efforts, efforts that will pay off for the rest of your life.


To keep your motivation up during your GRE practice, visualize yourself stepping into the GRE test center prepared and confident and acing the exam.

Getting motivated to take the GRE and staying positive when preparing for the GRE are not always easy tasks, but with these practical strategies, you can stay positive and energized throughout your prep.

Good luck with your studies!

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